
Zeiden Films is a full-service photo and video production service offering everything from pre-planing to post-editing.
Often, in this space, you will find many companies offering a wide array of services, only to outsource to their competitors.
Zeiden Films strives to fulfill your needs as an all-in-one package which allows us to provide up-front pricing that is affordable and appealing.

Based in Phoenix, Arizona. I set out to change the standards of your average photographer and videographer. There is a stigma that is associated with film and media production which says, this stuff is really quite expensive.

Everyday which passes, I try to change that stigma.

Whether it is full on media production, such as live streaming, or a mini photo session for your social media profiles, it is my belief, there needs to be more emphasis on quality production and less worry about your budget.

– Zeiden Films –


Based in Phoenix, Arizona. I set out to change the standards of your average photographer and videographer. There is a stigma that is associated with film and media production which says, this stuff is really quite expensive.

Everyday which passes, I try to change that stigma.

Whether it is full on media production, such as live streaming, or a mini photo session for your social media profiles, it is my belief, there needs to be more emphasis on quality production and less worry about your budget.

– Zeiden Films –


When was Zeiden Films Established?

Established in 2019 with roots backdating decades.

What is Zeiden Films?

The name really speaks for itself. Zeiden Films is all about digital film and photography production. From high end production to low budget social media, there is no project too big or small.  

Why is it called Zeiden Films?

Zeiden Films extends from a 1990's nickname, Zeid, and is a word derived from the dutch language.
The word Zeiden translates to 'Said' or more accurately, the past-tense of 'Said' in other words, to have told.

Who is Zeiden Films?

While Zeiden Films is more accurately described as a title, there is still an operator behind the scenes.


Official IPA: /ɛi̯də(n)/

Yah, In other words . . .

Say-Den & Swap the S for Z